Public Sector

Advocating and supporting ground-breaking legislation to help make AAM a reality.

Equality, Free Market, Standards and Economic Growth

Shaping the Future of Aerial Governance

We are deeply invested in crafting the foundational framework that will define the future of urban airspace. We work closely with the FAA and NASA to transform urban transportation infrastructure, navigating regulatory landscapes to enable commercial operations.

Economic development

Our dedication to establishing pathways for the local workforce is a fundamental driver, not only in meeting the demand in AAM but also in fostering economic growth for local communities, while simultaneously creating modern employment opportunities.

Government Relations and Advocacy

Our strategic collaboration with the government is a key driver in our commitment to operational and infrastructural advancements in air mobility. Through our engagement with local officials, we maintain a continuous dialogue with policymakers, ensuring that AAM operations and infrastructure align seamlessly with regulatory advancements.

Community engagement

Working hand-in-hand with the community is our promise to adapt urban infrastructure in ways that meet the future of transportation head-on, creating spaces that are not only efficient and sustainable but also inclusive and forward-thinking.